CAI03, Contemporary art Institute

Text : Arata Hasegawa / Intermediate ( but of what and what ? )

In his works, Suzuki has developed a series of “archegraph studies” in which he considers the city as an accumulation of the collective unconscious and extracts the shapes and structures found there as his unique symbols through the process of drawing, mainly in European and East Asian cities. In recent years, these symbolic images have been transformed into various media such as three-dimensional, video, advertising signage, and multiples, and through the form of installations, he has presented his simulation of the real world. In this exhibition at CAI03, with “Intermediate” as the keyword, he will present an installation work based on the architectural structure and features of six small rooms that were originally used as apartments.

 The word “intermediate” means an intermediate state between a certain state and the final state or a reaction that occurs there. Suzuki considers the exhibition space of his installations as an intermediate between reality and fiction, or between consciousness and unconsciousness. The fragmentary images of the city, symbolized by Suzuki in his unique way, continue to dissociate in the viewer’s inner without being connected to a concrete object or meaning, even though they are accompanied by a sense of familiarity. When these images exist in reality again as three-dimensional objects, a realm that is neither reality nor fiction, but an intermediate realm, emerges. At the same time, this quietly shakes the way we perceive our reality.

